The country flags are a combination of regional symbol indicator letters” (🇯 + 🇵), the emoji followed by a skin tone modifier is again a combination and the family one is a combination of 4 different emojis. In the example program below, we use the string includes() method to check whether the string “ Tutorialspoint: Simply Easy Learning” contains a substring “ JavaScript” or not.And JavaScript regular expressions have a Unicode mode now, so we can use Unicode property escapes to check for various things like emojis and currency symbols. Syntax string.includes(searchvalue, start) Parameters This method is not supported in Internet Explorer 11 (or earlier). It returns true if a string contains a specified substring otherwise it returns false. The string includes() method is introduced in ES6. This will produce the following result - Contains point 3. Balasaravanan R on LinkedIn: String contains the bracket characters valid or not Balasaravanan R’S Post Balasaravanan R Aspiring Core Developer C C++ Data Structure and Algorithm 1w. In the example program below, we use string indexOf() method to check whether the string “ Tutorialspoint: Free Video Tutorial” contains a substring “ point” or not. Start - the index to start from (default is 0).

Syntax string.indexOf(searchvalue, start) Parameters

The string indexOf() method is an ES1 feature. This method cannot search against a regular expression.

The string indexOf() method is case-sensitive. It returns the position of the first occurrence of a value (substring) in the string otherwise it returns -1 if the value is not found. The string indexOf() method can be used to check if a string contains a substring or not. This will produce the following result - Contains Point!" 2. Var str = "Tutorialspoint: Free Video Tutorials" Äocument.write("Does not contain Point" ) You can try to run the following code to check whether the string “ Tutorialspoint: Free Video Tutorial” contains a substring “point” in or not. Check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript string: the string to search substring: the string to search for indexOf: returns the index of the. SearchValue is a regular expression or a string (will be converted to a regular expression). The string search() method is an ES1 feature. It matches the string against a regular expression and returns the index (position) of the first match. The string search method can be used to search a text (using regular expression) in a string. In this article, we use the following three methods for this purpose. JavaScript provides us with different methods to check whether a string contains a substring or not.